Trombonist – Composer – Educator




"Christian has a really diverse musical background…there's so much I learned from him that I wouldn't have been able to learn from anyone else."

—Jonah Heib, Music Student, Manhattan School of Music

Watch Jonah’s complete video testimonial


Christian's approach to music and music education is simultaneously complex and approachable. His recent workshop performance for 6th grade band students presented listeners with an intricate performance that fused acoustic trombone composition with electronic effects in a variety of ways, but when speaking about the performance he was able to engage the students in breaking down what they heard to more basic and foundational ideas. In having the students talk about these ideas, like volume/dynamics and timbre, for example, Christian connected what could be regarded as a fairly progressive and/or avant-garde composition with musical concepts that 6th graders are familiar with, thereby giving them a framework to enjoy a performance and style of music that they very likely had never heard before, and may not have understood or enjoyed otherwise.

—Art Brown, Teaching Artist


Christian Pincock is the Northwest's leading authority on Soundpainting and Live Composition. His educational workshops are innovative, engaging, and challenging, whether he's working with middle school students or professional improvisers. His work has impacted how I think about and teach improvisation.

—Steve Treseler, Teaching Artist


Christian Pincock accompanied ballet classes for me at All That Dance during the 2017-2018 academic year.  It was his first time playing for dance classes, so there was a definite learning curve, but Christian did very well.  He was receptive to my suggestions of ways to help my students interact with him more musically and he was also able to contribute his musical knowledge to some of the discussions the class would have centered on rhythm and musicality.  During the occasional class when Christian had a conflict and couldn’t be there, the students truly missed him and his music.  By the end of the school year in June, Christian had shown a tremendous amount of growth and our classes were running very smoothly and his music was contributing to the success of each class.  Christian would benefit from working with other dance teachers as we all are a bit different in how we teach, run class and what we need or expect from accompanists, but he is very willing to learn and does so quickly.

—Rebecca Reid, Ballet teacher (All That Dance, Seattle WA)